This Sharing Thing

Google has made it much easier to find relevant, valuable information through its Google Reader and the Share with Friends component.
I’ve started sharing, and I’m getting lots of good stuff. Plus I pull my shared items into my blog for easy access.
I’ve also realized that we are, in many cases, sharing the same things! That speaks volumes, really. The best stuff is seen as the best stuff by many. On the other hand, I don’t need to have the same blog/article/podcast saved in 14 different places!
So now I’m trying to figure out if just keeping the article in a friend’s shared file is good enough. Will I be able to find it when I want it?
What do you think?

An Old Friend

Chris probably doesn’t consider himself an old friend of mine, as he has moved on. But I remember his early blogging days on, when we were a handful of runners, supporting each other’s attempts at improving health and fitness. He was always there with the right words when I wanted to quit. (I’m still at it, Chris).
His site now focuses on business and social media.
You might be interested in reading a recent post about Twitter, where he gives suggestions for managing and ways NOT to manage all this information (oddly enough, I found him again through Sue Water’s post here). He also blogs about social networking, and his ideas are worth reading as they apply to our students, as well.
Great to find you again, Brogan!

Going to learn…

That’s it. It’s official. Three of us are heading to Philadelphia to attend the SLA Conference EduCon! I’m so excited to be attending with two of our teachers who are beginning to use technology in their classrooms.
And, I’m really looking forward to the discussions/conversations with so many edubloggers/twitterers I’ve been following. See you there!