Give Yourself a Break

Egg brokenphoto © 2009 Fredrik Bølstad | more info (via: Wylio)
A member of one of our PLP cohorts laments the lack of time she has to participate fully in our discussions and projects. She struggles with hours of papers to grade, her volunteer work at church, and a three-year-old who demands her attention the moment she walks in the door after school.

My advice? Be kind to yourself.

Our participating teachers want to learn. They want to understand recent research and reports that indicate our need to embrace change and shift our thinking. They know schools and classrooms need to change.

But we can’t do it overnight, as much as some folks would like. I also believe our personalities, life issues, and even predisposition to control affect our how much time we are willing and able to devote to sharing online.

My advice, especially during this time of year, is be kind to yourself.

Start your day being in the moment. Be sure to breathe deeply and smile often. Do the best you can with what you have.

Also, consider this: giving yourself time to participate might seem selfish. But taking time to grow and learn might give you just the energy you need to keep going.

My advice? Don’t be so hard on yourself. Figure out what matters right now. And do it.

There is just one life for each of us:  our own.  ~Euripides