And it’s over

The holidays.

I suppose that’s the wrong attitude, but despite the lovely gathering of family and another of friends, I found this season difficult. Some is the slow grieving that accompanies the loss of mom as we know her. And the rest is the introvert side of me that seems to be taking over. I love seeing people in small groups, but I find large gatherings stressful, intimidating .

But I have to say, when I see this photo of all of gathered, my heart is full. This doesn’t happen often- ever? So, the day was special to this mom, grandma, daughter, wife.

Begin Again

I take pictures of sunrises and sunsets. Often. I never tire of the oranges, pinks, and blues as they blend into one another.
When I’ve had a rough week (or day), I find one of the photos and stare at it, remembering how I felt when the colors surrounded me and my breathing changed. This morning I searched for this one– a day at the beach, a slight wind in the air. As I process troublesome thoughts, I know this morning is also a moment in time, and it will pass. There will be other gorgeous sunrises, signaling a new day, another chance.

Begin again.

Love, Actually




I know. It’s a movie. One that everyone has seen a gazillion times.

But the movie lifts my heart and has mended broken places. So I end this year thinking of love- of my children and their families, of my mother who misses my father desperately, of my husband who loves me from the core of his being, of my friends who support and share in the joy of creating, of people who have changed my thinking through their writing and speaking, of the ocean that calms me, and of self-knowledge, which has reassured me that life offers healing and forgiveness if we are willing to take it.

Here’s to 2017. May we love more.