Loving These Little Ones


When I saw this quote, it resonated. I can remember visiting libraries as a little girl, leaving with a stack of books in my arms. As a teen, I would spend hours on my grandmother’s back porch with a book in hand.

And gardens? Well, I don’t like to garden. But I LOVE to visit them, stare at them, and smell them! My husband brings me a rose or two every Saturday. (He knows.)

So, while I’m not sure these two things will solve all the world’s problems, they at least bring some peace and rest in my life. This is the fourth in a series of short quotes on A1 cards using 14 pt Caslon metal type.

If you like books and flowers, I’ll bet this speaks to you, too…..

A 1, 000 lb in my kitchen

In three days, I’ll be the happy owner of an 8×12 Chandler and Price letterpress, fully restored by Ed Regan in Indiana. On Wednesday, he will arrive– ready to move it from his truck and roll it into my kitchen.

Yes, my kitchen. It’s the only place I have for such a lovely, huge item.

I am moving the rest of my shop to a new location as Water Street Studio is closing. But trying to get a heavy press up to the second floor again is impossible. So my husband suggested the little sitting room of our kitchen. After moving the furniture out, I agree– it’s perfect.

I don’t have a photo yet, but it’s one of these beauties!

Travel safely, Ed….


Selling– or Not


My husband is in the middle of the volunteer project in which he must ask for money/call people/sell an idea. He was wringing his hands over making the calls.

“I’m the farthest thing from a salesman there is,” he said.

I know that about myself, too. I’ve tried to sell– toys, books, programs, ideas. I don’t sell easily. So why do I letterpress print cards and posters and try to sell them? I love what I do.

But that doesn’t make the selling any easier. When I look at statistics for my shop, I have to ask myself the tough questions: do people like my work? is it the way I present the cards? have I advertised enough?

These questions are important (I’m about to re-do all the photographs on the site). But I know something else. I print because I love to do the work. So, no, I am not a salesperson. I am a printer who really enjoys getting her hands dirty and creating something. There are hundreds of letterpress shops out there, so I have to do this because it matters to me.The_Letterpress_Journals__Typoholic_-_Print_Magazine

Yesterday I spent hours troubleshooting a card I was working on for Fredericksburg Main Street. Though the process was frustrating, when I finally finished I felt a huge sense of satisfaction. Yeah, there it is, I thought.

I guess I’m learning to have faith in myself and my art. And that’s a huge step.





photo: Print Magazine, The Foolproof Press

A Month

FullSizeRender (24)The past month was difficult, but it’s over. I spent yesterday working in the shop, and I think I’m finally getting the hang of this. Each new print job meant more packing, less packing, more tape, less tape– because each form is different, depending upon whether I am using metal type, wood type, or polymer. I managed to get out a few holiday cards and a few quote cards. Yay me.

In two weeks I get to visit Jen at Starshaped Press in Chicago. I’m looking forward to learning from her. Nothing like being around a master! And so what if I’m still working on it at 63. I need to realize that’s pretty cool in itself.