Life is Good

You’ve seen the t-shirts, hats, and bags. The company has made much money promoting their “simple message of optimism.”

I wish it were that easy. But I do find when I can focus on the good, I am more appreciative of what I have and who I am. David and I walked downtown this morning, carrying an umbrella in the ever-present dark clouds–waiting for yet another storm.

We met friends at Foode for a fabulous brunch. A hundred laughs later, we waddled out to the street, bright sunlight streaming everywhere. Yes! The cliche popped into my head: life is good.

A New Day

Lately, I’ve been….. how do I say this without using the D word.
Hmmm, don’t think I can. So I’ll just say it: depressed.
For going on two weeks, we’ve had a rodent problem in our crawl space. Our house was built in 1850, so there are ways for this to happen. Because of some stupid advice, we now also have an odor problem. And it’s been raining, or at least cold and gray, for days and days and weeks and years. Ok, I’m exaggerating, as I tend to do.
But seriously, last night I’d just about had it.
However, I’m always amazed how quickly I can turn stuff around. I mean going-from-the-depths-of-despair to “hey, this is a not-bad-day” kind of flip. This morning, we have wonderful folks cleaning and scrubbing our hard-to-reach crawl space, it’s warm enough for all the windows and crawl space doors to be open and breathing, AND the sun is, well, radiant.
I feel so much better now that we have a plan, and the end of all this is near.
As always, I am remembering to keep this in mind:

We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts we make the world. – Gautama Buddha

A Word

Screenshot 12:31:12 7:27 AMFor the last few years, I’ve participated in the one little word project. It’s much easier than resolutions, and I like the idea of focusing on something that might carry me through the year.

My word came to me a few weeks ago in a writing prompt:


I love the idea of connecting, sharing, bringing together ideas, people, and goodness! So, there it is.

Tonight, David and I are finishing up the last of our holiday movies. I’ll be thinking of ways to gather and weave the threads of my life over the next few days. Happy 2013….



I am struggling to write these days. Snippets of lines as I walk to the studio, a fleeting thought while I make dinner. But nothing develops, no words fill the page (or screen).

Today is a good day to sit by the fire and read.

The Peace of Wild Things

When despair for the world grows in me
and I wake in the night at the least sound
in fear of what my life and my children’s lives may be,
I go and lie down where the wood drake
rests in his beauty on the water, and the great heron feeds.
I come into the peace of wild things
who do not tax their lives with forethought
of grief. I come into the presence of still water.
And I feel above me the day-blind stars
waiting with their light. For a time
I rest in the grace of the world, and am free.

— Wendell Berry


For a Soldier


Bagpipes cry over mounds of new dirt
Above the hill, bright skies canopy a mourning family
A procession of black cars winds its way to a uniformed sentry
Far off, horses and carriages wait to carry a soldier home

Ashes sit alone surrounded by thousands of silent voices
Gatherers murmur their goodbyes

One but many
One but many

A hundred times a day