The Good News

Sometimes I get bogged down by details and forget to remember how many wonderful new things are happening in my school. For example,

  • Carey stopped by to tell me that the French students have started their Google Earth projects, learning about layers and using all the tools available to study French history and culture.
  • Suzi’s students are creating Voice Threads about visits to French museums–commenting, of course, in French (and using flickrCC for images.
  • Katie emailed me with a link to a funny yet creative Audacity file, with a rap about Galileo her students made.
  • The fourth grade book reviews on Voice Thread are coming along well, and we can’t wait to share them here.
  • Jenny wants to start a geometry wiki, and Alpana’s students are using her wiki here.
  • The English teachers are using blogs here and here plus a wiki here.

Even I seem to be keeping some perspective on the amount of information coming my way from my PLC. The arms aren’t flailing quite so much.

[Image: ‘slump]
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