I am so tired.
Our internet has been sporadic all week, which means I didn’t get anything accomplished. I started a resource wiki and then lost everything. I would begin a Tweet and then click send only to find out it wouldn’t go. I would set up a time for the fourth-graders to finish their Voice Threads and find out we didn’t have internet access.The college counselor couldn’t get her transcripts printed since we use an online database. Everyone just keeps asking WHEN it will be fixed. People have been unhappy.
It’s amazing how much we rely on the internet to do our work.
By the end of today, we had pretty much decided it was a Denial of Service attack. Yeah, really. How did this happen? How do we fix it? It’s going to be interesting, for sure.
Tonight, I finally settled down to my HOME internet access and checked email to find a note from the crew at VodPod. I had been discouraged to find out that their site had been classified as pornogr@phy, so our filter was blocking it at school. It’s my favorite way of saving videos to my website, so I mentioned it in a response to a general email sent out to all subscribers. Well, I received a personal response, saying they would check into to it for me. I was impressed!
Anyway, as eager as I am to get some of our projects up and running (ie a chat with Matt’s people about the PBS Frontline special and this project with Kim Cofino), I know that we need to fix the problem first. And getting frustrated won’t help. So I’m going to relax and enjoy the weekend…it will be there to worry about on Monday, but eventually it will all work out.