All in a Day

Or not.

My days blend together now that I work from home.

Sitting down to check my email can mean being captured by a tweet that sends me off to check on whether I should write a blog post or send an RT.. And suddenly I am deep in conversation about PLP or even more complicated–communication.

But I love using social media to learn. Who would have thought I’d be doing this now? At this point in my life?
And that’s the point, isn’t it? We don’t know where our lives will lead us. Rarely will our children have set paths before them, jobs they keep for 30 or 40 years.

For me, now, it’s the balance. Today David and I took a walk downtown to look for furniture for our new room. Egads, the mess I am living in right now is driving me crazy. I have piles surrounding me as I wait for the painters to finish their work. But today it was more about clearing my head than my mess. And the weather was gorgeous.

And as much as I love connecting and chatting online, our visit to The Griffin today was timely. No, we didn’t find the furniture we need, but I did find a great book to help me focus on my writing. And the iced soy chai wasn’t bad either.

So, another day where work and life blend into a happy dance.