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The UPS truck slowed down in front of my house today. I listened for the “Knock, knock.”
My books had arrived. Though I often choose to read on my Kindle App, sometimes I really want THE Book. Like the Complete Artist’s Way, all 700 pages of it, which I will dive into tomorrow.
Another one in the stack today was Practically Radical, by William C. Taylor, co-founder of FAST COMPANY magazine. I picked it up, starting from the back. This chapter jumped out at me:
Where you look shapes what you see
Isn’t that true? We strive to make changes, but if we look where we have always looked, if we listen to voices we have always heard, we can’t see the possibilities.
I have chosen to add a variety of blogs to my RSS feed over the years. They are not all about education. Some I read for the message, some for the fabulous writing, some for the inspiration.
Take a look:
Re-educate Seattle: A blog written by an administrator at a charter school. He wants to change the world.
Harvard Business Review: Speaks for itself
Buried in Wires: Teaching writing in the digital age
Full Circle Associates: Nancy White’s company about connecting and learning, collaborating online. Much more.
15 Axioms: leadership
White Hot Truth: crazy stuff
Life is a Verb: inspiration- she asks: what would I be doing today if I only had 37 days to live?
Beth Kanter: because I learn a lot from her about nonprofits and social media
sacha chua: I like her transparency
Brene Brown: researcher with an authentic voice who talks about imperfections and strength
These are among the 307 blogs I currently subscribe to. The variety keeps me thinking about how the rest of the world works. We all need to look beyond our comfort zone, don’t you think? And sometimes, we still come back to where we started: read Study for the Essay Questions