2014 What Have I Learned?


I never want to stop learning. Yup, that’s what I learned.

When my hands were full of ink and my new press was giving me a fit, I had few moments of angst. But I wanted to figure it out. I’m not sure I was a learner when I was younger, but the adult me loves to problem solve.

I also learned:

  • how to make a tasty beef brisket and sour cream potatoes
  • I really do have anxiety issues (plane, relationships, food)
  • how to balance writing rejections with the joy of acceptances
  • I want to keep my hair short
  • some things never change (dislike of cold, love of sugar, need to be near the beach)
  • I can still overdo social media (it’s a great place to hide sometimes)
  • how to let go of expectations (most of the time)
  • not to listen to the voice in my head (most of the time)
  • how much I enjoy being creative, even reading about creativity!

Let’s see what 2015 has in store……