Eating for Health

When my thumb seized up last month (I mean literally across my hand), I decided I needed to try an anti-inflammatory diet. And, while I was at it, I’d see if I could determine what was causing my digestive distress. It seemed “Whole 30” might be the answer.

We had to make some adjustments as we don’t eat much meat. So we combined the Whole30 vegetarian diet with the regular and made our own plan. That meant giving up alcohol, grains, sugar, dairy (we ate eggs) and processed foods (not that we eat much of those). We ate a few beans, a little chicken, and occasional salmon. David decided to help, which was huge not having to navigate this my myself.

I thought I’d miss my evening wine, especially if we ate out or visited friends. It wasn’t easy, but what I missed the most was simple cooking. We ended up spending lots and lots of time in preparation (making shopping lists), shopping, prepping, and actually cooking. I don’t like to cook, so I didn’t enjoy this. But, again, David jumped in and did most of it.

I also added turmeric to my supplement list.

Four weeks later and I can’t say I am all better. My thumb joint is– the swelling is down and the pain is gone. But whether that’s the acupuncture or the diet is hard to say. Unfortunately, the diet did not lead me to the culprit that turns my stomach upside down. I am wondering if it is not food but anxiety rearing its ugly head.

As we celebrated the other night with wine, we decided to continue eating healthy foods by following Dr. Greger’s “How Not to Die” plan, with some modifications. This all may take longer than 4 weeks, and we’ve adjusted pretty well to lots of vegetable casseroles, stews, and snacks. I had pretty much given up dairy, so that is not a problem. This go around will be eggs free, too.

Now if I can just figure out this anxiety. I see more meditation and yoga in my future!
