Laughing at Myself

But that’s not why I am here again.

Since I last wrote, I:

  • had my 72 birthday. Suddenly, the urgency to get it all done has hit me in the face. I know my time may be limited in this world, and I still have so much I want to do. Build relationships with all my grandchildren, travel, learn to cook one great meal for guests, get my grandparents’ house into shape so I can hand it over to my children, and continue to find peace in my life. Days that once seemed endless now feel precious.
  • decided to continue my volunteer work on conservation boards. Sure, it’s time consuming but what could be better than saving a beach or protecting green space? Plus, I’m learning how to use a new database, so I’m challenging my mind to grow! That’s called developing neuroplasticity— my brain’s ability to form new neural connections. I do need to balance the stress of nonstop meetings and the need to sit on the beach or walk around the pond.
  • fell off the “morning routine” wagon. Even though I know the importance of morning routines and had been fairly consisten for a couple of years, I stopped when I moved back to Rhode Island for 5 months. Engaging in healthy habits like stretching, eating a breakfast with protein and good carbs, or practicing mindfulness (my writing and meditating routines)— these improve my physical health and emotional health. It’s time to start again, a topic I’ve written about before.

So, here I am. Writing, exercising, eating a healthy breakfast and ready to start my day. And if I create weird-looking Procreate pictures, I will laugh at myself. Not taking ourselves too seriously creates humility, allowing us to recognize our imperfections without being weighed down by them.

Let’s see if this holds…