Re-thinking Failure

I received my first rejection! I suppose I should be depressed, ready to quit, and trying to figure out what to do with the rest of my life.

Instead, this moment feels like the beginning of a great and wonderful journey. The poems weren’t ready for publication. I know that now. Yet, I wanted to start the process of sending them out to the world. Pushing past fear, I did. And so, armed with new ways to work with my poetry and prose, and anticipating an upcoming writing retreat, I am ready to begin again.

I almost feel like part of the club.

An Afternoon

Rain today.

Needed, but dismal

Even the cat backs away from the open door.
The dog falls asleep to the rhythmic sound on the roof.

You gather your thoughts and remember what she said.

I am fine. Just fine.
The rain continues to fill your head with questions,
Knowing she is not.
#npm prompt: rain


The fringe tree in the backyard surprises us each April
delicate blossoms peek
a gift of white tears arrive
we hold our breath, not knowing for sure, but hoping
and then petals burst, swaying in the breeze
shaking glorious feathers here and there
we hold onto the promise

#npm writing prompt: a tree

The Art of War

A found poem…

from this source

Innovation, peace
Learning to decrease suffering, these nine-year-olds
Charismatic teacher teaches compassion
A Pentagon invitation
Inspired by Gandhian principles, the game aims to get players to build harmony while accepting the reality of violence

If somebody steals your lunchbox, you don’t go up and punch him in the face to get it back — you want to reason with them
Odd partnership, but may save us all.

