I think I’ve got it…

I’ve been struggling to keep myself organized. Del.icio.us? Google shared files? Bookmarks? Print and file? Google notebook? Backpack?
But now I think I have a system.
Google Reader and Twitter are my PLN priorities. When I first turn on my laptop, that’s where I go. I can zip through my blogroll pretty quickly, and I have pulled my Tweets into my reader, so I can go back and see if there’s something I’ve missed without spending a lot of time. (If I’m not sure, I star it for a while.)
If I like the article or post and want to easy access to it, I share it. Then, it’s readily available in my shared file as well as on my blog sidebar.
A new application? A quote that moves me? It goes into Tumblr right here. It’s not pretty, but it’s efficient.
Videos for professional development? Vodpod is the answer. Plus there’s a cool widget for my blog.
For links I want to keep for future use, I save to my del.icio.us account. I haven’t changed the name on it since I changed my name, but it works. Plus I can create a fairly wide network of saved files from others.
Items that will be handy for professional development workshops, I also save to Google Notebooks so I can work with the information. That info is easily pasted into wikis or blog posts.
Photos get saved to Flickr and Picassa. I haven’t decided which one I like better. Music? Right now it’s iTunes, but I’m thinking of moving here.

Now, let’s hope it sticks.

1 thought on “I think I’ve got it…

  1. Your top PLN priorities look the same as mine however I don’t pull my twitter feed into GReader because Tweets from people with locked accounts don’t feed through – bummer. Instead I use the method that John Pederson suggested where I set up 10 pages of Twitter bookmarks in my Firefox bookmarks and open then up in the morning (http://aquaculturepda.edublogs.org/2007/12/21/getting-more-out-of-twitter/). Shame those with locked accounts don’t feed through because I love how you are using the Shared, starred features of Google Reader. Photos I definitely go with Flickr because there are so many applications that use it. Been naughty with del.icio.us lately because I know I can easily find posts in Google Reader.

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