
What a day. Today was our kick-off, the first face-to-face meeting with school teams in our Powerful Learning Practice, led by Sheryl Nussbaum Beach and Will Richardson.
Actually some of us began last night with dinner at the Kenmore Inn, and it was a fun opportunity to meet, chat, and think about what this year would bring.
This morning began with Will's keynote (with Skype calls from friends in Australia) and then Sheryl's explanation of the year's plan and process. The afternoon brought us RSS, Ning, and Eluminate.
As I arrived home today exhausted but excited about all that we had shared, I had dinner to make, a dog to walk, mail to sort, and appointments to set.
What did I do? Login to Google Reader and start checking my lastest RSS feeds instead.
Because I can. Well, my dog wasn't thrilled, but I could make the choice because I don't have children at home, I"m not coaching this year, and I love what I do.
As I said to Sheryl as I was leaving, I am passionate about the research, the sharing, and the learning. So today was an amazing day for me.
I do recognize that many teachers there have other obligations. And their passion may show in other areas: cooking, gardening, or woodworking. I want to take care this year to protect people's time (and my own) and maintain a balance so we don't lose this enthusiastic start to the year.
But tonight, I'm staying online.

Sorry, Beau. There's always the backyard!!Beau

Uploaded on July 31, 2008
by ♥Sage