I Skim

It’s a habit I’ve developed over the years. So if really need to concentrate on something, I get out a highlighter, turn off peripheral devices, and make myself pay attention.
When I skim,I always read enough to allow me to think and ponder the issues, but often find myself thinking back, wishing I had spent more time on the text (time I never seem to have these days).
Recently, I skimmed Seth Godin’s Tribes (can you skim while you listen?), The MacArthur report, and Christenson’s Disrupting Class. Christenson’s book is a fascinating look at how “disruptive innovation” will change learning.
For a few weeks now, I’ve been thinking about his ideas. Yesterday, I was delighted to tune into EdTechTalk on 21st Century Learning to hear a conversation with Michael Horne, co-author of Disrupting Class. As I puttered around my classroom, cleaning up for Thanksgiving break, it was great to hear the ideas I’d been thinking about bantered back and forth among those present. This second chance allowed me to focus on some of the points of how schools need to change. Here, have a listen:
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