FA Blogs, Together

Thanks to Jim Groom, instructional technology specialist at the University of Mary Washington–the EduPunk himself, my school has a blogging platform! It's just a beginning, and I am finding my way around how to manage WPMU. But soon, we'll open it up to students and faculty.

It all started here. Then Jim graciously agreed to meet with me first and then later with a team from my school, including my Head of School, to show us the possibilities. And the possibilities are endless.

Several of us have attempted to blog with our students, but we are all over the place: blogger, typepad, 21 classes….and the students have numerous logins and passwords. This will allow us to consolidate and manage one publishing platform.

Decisions yet to be made:

  • static front page or rotating posts
  • limited to FA email addresses or open
  • guidelines for "appropriate use"
  • use of names? initials? photos?

If any of you want to weigh in with suggestions, please feel free to help us out. We have all talked about how much we benefit from our PLN, but I'm overwhelmed by how this happened and came together. Jim and I have also talked about taking this collaboration a step further, getting the students involved as mentors for some of our kids. Wow, I can't think of anything better.

We're kickin' it up a notch. Uh, huh….