No Watch for Me

I had to laugh when the keynote speaker at ISTE said all of us over 40 were wearing watches. I haven't worn mine in years. (I wish people would stop generalizing about the perceived generational issues regarding technology.)

But this article made me sit up and take notice. Fossil is experimenting with pushing notifications using Bluetooth to mobile phones. 
Hmmmm, reminds me of Get Smart! Oh wait, he talked to his shoe.

Posted via email from Susan’s posterous

Connecting the dots

I finally caught up with another  EdTech podcast w/ Alex, Arvind, and Vinnie on this morning’s run. My classes always seemed to conflict with the live podcasts, and lately I’ve had running partners, so it seemed rude to tune them out and listen to my iPod.

Today’s run was with husband David, and since he doesn’t talk, I listened! This morning’s podcast focused on Posterous, for which I’ve had an account for some time but could not figure out why I needed in addition to my blog.

Now I do.

Sometimes it’s just too much trouble to bring up WordPress, write the post, and publish it. Instead, I quickly post ideas, links, and photos to Twitter. Yet when I constantly link to Twitter alone, I don’t draw people here for conversations. For example, I would have loved some feedback on my assessment post.

This morning’s podcast helped me realize how simple posting to email is, which in turn updates both my blog and Posterous. So then a tweet would send people back here. Plus this gives me a record of resources I want to keep track of and tag. Make sense?

Anyway, I love my community. I would learn even more if I could get myself back up to a decent distance, as 3.5 miles goes by pretty quickly.
