Will’s keynote: My notes..which I’ll try to organize later…
Blogging has transformed his learning. He has more questions than answers. Web allows us to publish and share/not just read. World is changing-for students…not how much content they know but can they find it. Teaching them to be lifelong learners.
Will says:
Politics–the youtube campaign. Will’s blog on Obama’s page. Check out the fundraising stats.
physical space limits you. candidates have pages on myspace…open primary next Jan on myspace site.
file sharing (for all the ethical dilemmas) is here. how are we going to deal with it? use it?
journalism, businesses–all changing. IBM on second life People check conversations first before purchases..what does this mean for advertising?
BUT-education is not changing, stuck in same paradigms. Kids sense of privacy is different from ours. Legalities..what’s allowed? we need to figure it out
He’s learned more on his blog in the past six years than all his years of schooling. A powerful place to be
He is "findable" on the internet…
Kids are beginning to build networks…some are powerful. Fan Fiction is a place where people can write another chapter to novel, tv show etc. Kids are connecting with others’ who have same passion.
Showing a myspace page….highly provocative, thousand "friends"
Do we ‘teach’ myspace? No one does…..we can leverage these connections
Meg, author of Princess Diaries, has great myspace page-comments she gets about her books are from her readers
(Will has calming influence on his audience–he presents "dangerous" ideas in a way to make us think.)
Social networking is not going away.
He can find info on cell phone using googl–saying nowhere in his daughter’s curriculum teaches her to use cell phone to find information
We have to make students smart consumers of the technology…they must learn how to do real collaboration
Using IM and google docs to collaborate (happens in business world) How do you co-create information? Plagiarism is a conversation we will have to visit and revisit …
Great story about kid using wikipedia to do research
We have to be skeptical users of information (MLK site…I won’t link)
We have to teach our students to read in a hypertext world
Our teaching has to change, our own practice has to be different…an internet connection in our room means we’re not the smartest people in room
We can connect our kids to real people and that’s a powerful thing. Our classroom cannot be four walls anymore
The work we ask the kids to do can be meaningful.(Radio Willowweb)
work "should have wings"
The transformation is the connection to other people, the networks
He asks: who are your teachers? how do you learn? how are you building your networks? How are we modeling our learning?