How Many Times Have I Written This?

Beginning again.

If I look back at this blog, I’ll bet I would find that phrase a hundred times.

Ok, maybe I’m exaggerating, but it’s got to be a lot. I seem to “begin again” often, which is not a bad thing. In fact, I love beginnings. When I taught, my favorite month was September, a chance for all of us- students, teachers, and staff– to do everything better. January always gives me a time to pause and reflect, which is where I am right now.

So, what’s new? Well, I am making a physical move of sorts. I’m moving one of my small presses into a space at LibertyTown Arts again. I’ve missed the connections wit friends and customers. Also, I’m adding a foiling machine to my collection. This will enable me to foil cards and other items, something I’ve wanted to try for a while. And finally, I can’t wait to try one of my Christmas presents– a 3D printer! I know I can letterpress print with a 3D print, and I’ve wanted to try it myself.

This week is a reflecting, cleaning, and organizing time for me. But come January, I’ll be playing, printing, and sharing again.
Photo on Best Running


img_6019I’ve been somewhat distracted lately. I spent time at a fabulous retreat in Asheville, NC (Life is a Verb Camp), and came home to adopt a 9-month old puppy with special needs. She has taken much of my time lately. And when I’m not with her, I’m printing.

If you are local, I’ll be at the Sunken Well Tavern (corner of Hanover and Littlepage) Tinsel Town Market this Thursday (Dec. 8) from 6-9 with cards and prints. It should be a festive evening!

In the meantime, remember to slow down, enjoy each day, and give someone a hug.







What I Love About Printing


I’ve been thinking about what it is I love about letterpress printing. If I’m not printing posters or cards or cleaning/buying type, I am reading about it.

For me, it’s the act of creation. And as much as I love playing around with Illustrator design on my computer, that isn’t where I want to spend my time. I love pulling a print off the press and seeing the ink against a white background tell its story. My walls are covered in words that matter to me.

So when I can’t do the work– like now while I am helping my husband recover from his surgery– I am planning the work.

David is coming along well, and it looks like I’ll be back in the shop in a few days. Can you see me doing my happy dance?

Sharing the Shop

I didn’t know The Itinerant Printer would not only print in my shop but would also realign my press and teach me so much.

Chris Fritton’s visit has been a real boost to me. I tend to work alone, so having him here to bounce ideas off, listen to, learn from, has been wonderful.

So tomorrow, during our Meet and Greet, you should stop by. You’ll have a chance to see his work and learn about his travels around the country. It’s been a cool adventure…

915 A Sophia Street: Water Street Studio, 5-8pm.

Be there. Come print with us.


A Delightful Time Had By All

We dragged our tables, books, cards, some pottery, our chairs, and a huge tent to the river yesterday. You would think three women could handle that, but after 9 hours in the sun and some heavy lifting, we were spent. Still, we enjoyed seeing so many friends. It was a great day to show people what we do and who we are!