Why I Love That I Love Change!

I’ve always loved change. I move my furniture around constantly. I’ve changed jobs many times over my lifetime. Heck, I moved constantly as a kid and attended 13 schools in 12 years.
So it’s often difficult for me to understand why some people don’t like change. And, frankly, I often feel like the odd one.
After reading pwoessner’s blog post, though, I feel vindicated!
Seriously, he makes some excellent points about creativity, our children’s future, and change.

Testing Apture Again

I love when companies respond to a request for help. Especially when the request wasn’t obvious.
This morning I was playing around with Apture and had some difficulties getting the links to appear. I used the "automatic add" available for Typepad, so I assumed the issue wasn’t with coding (since I hadn’t coded anything).
But my day was busy, so I left the issue to resolve later. If ever. You know how when faced with difficulties, we often just move on?
Tonight, I arrived home to discover an email from the folks at Apture explaining that, in fact, the issue may have had something to do with the automatic add button–AND giving me a suggestion to make it work.
Wow. So here I am, testing again. I do want to make this work. We plan to start blogging in earnest soon, and I am excited for students to try using this tool as they gather resources for research like the recent student-created videos on Jefferson, The Depression, and World War I they did for the AP review.
Now, if you see links in this with small icons placed next to certain words, you’ll know it’s up and running!

There we go! Thanks, Apture.


I am trying my best not to jump on every new thing these days. It’s time consuming. And most new tools are just that–new tools.
However, Will’s post this morning caught my eye. And in two seconds, I had signed up for Apture and added a link to my post on John Medina.
The program allows you to add videos, text, and images to your posts with a simple click. I am envisioning all kinds of use for student research. I added the link for John Medina while I was installing Apture. I’ll need to exit this post.
Ahhhh, I just discovered something. Only I can see the link and the video that goes along with John’s name. I just asked my colleague, Susanne, to check to see if she could see it. No luck.
Hmmm, more figuring to do on this one.

Edited: Ahhhh, so when I published the post, the link I had added to the previous post appeared on John’s name in this new post. Interesting!

Edited: And now the link in the previous post has disappeared, but all the links in the new post are working.