Love, Actually




I know. It’s a movie. One that everyone has seen a gazillion times.

But the movie lifts my heart and has mended broken places. So I end this year thinking of love- of my children and their families, of my mother who misses my father desperately, of my husband who loves me from the core of his being, of my friends who support and share in the joy of creating, of people who have changed my thinking through their writing and speaking, of the ocean that calms me, and of self-knowledge, which has reassured me that life offers healing and forgiveness if we are willing to take it.

Here’s to 2017. May we love more.


Reboot/ Regroup

file0002143843277I needed yesterday. Two friends from Life is a Verb Camp, a retreat I attended in November, came to visit and learn about letterpress printing.

Recently, I’ve been feeling somewhat out of sorts with my creative life. Not sure of how to proceed, I just drifted from one project to another. But yesterday, I worked with these friends and found myself so caught up in not only printing but also sharing what I do and how I do it.

Hmmm, maybe I miss teaching? Maybe I ought to do this more often? Sometimes the Universe talks loudly and clearly. And I am listening.

So what’s my next step? I need to get more organized with my “stuff” and my process. That will happen over the next two months. Then I’ll begin to advertise for workshops. Yay, I have a plan!




I love New Year’s Day. I love thinking of change, options, ways to be healthy, and ways to grow. Yes, I’m one of those resolution makers.

I have to admit I don’t keep many of them. Or some, I’ve made and dropped and made again. So, in the long run, I’m keeping up.

This year I am considering my eating habits and working on eliminating sugar. I think I’ve tried this every year since I first read Sugar Blues about 100 years ago.

I am also considering adding more reading (fiction) and cutting my screen time. Oh I say I’m reading when I’m staring at my laptop, but glancing at headlines and flitting from page to page really doesn’t count.

Writing– I’m considering designating a time every day to write. See I’ve already started.

And see what I did there? These are all considerations. When I don’t happen to keep them up each day, I will bang my head against the table a little less. I haven’t failed since they weren’t absolute rules.

Speaking of failure. I turn 65 in June. I have a lot to consider before then. So this reading and writing will be a good thing.

I’ll let you know if cutting sugar from my diet was a good thing, too.





img_6019I’ve been somewhat distracted lately. I spent time at a fabulous retreat in Asheville, NC (Life is a Verb Camp), and came home to adopt a 9-month old puppy with special needs. She has taken much of my time lately. And when I’m not with her, I’m printing.

If you are local, I’ll be at the Sunken Well Tavern (corner of Hanover and Littlepage) Tinsel Town Market this Thursday (Dec. 8) from 6-9 with cards and prints. It should be a festive evening!

In the meantime, remember to slow down, enjoy each day, and give someone a hug.


