Loving These Little Ones


When I saw this quote, it resonated. I can remember visiting libraries as a little girl, leaving with a stack of books in my arms. As a teen, I would spend hours on my grandmother’s back porch with a book in hand.

And gardens? Well, I don’t like to garden. But I LOVE to visit them, stare at them, and smell them! My husband brings me a rose or two every Saturday. (He knows.)

So, while I’m not sure these two things will solve all the world’s problems, they at least bring some peace and rest in my life. This is the fourth in a series of short quotes on A1 cards using 14 pt Caslon metal type.

If you like books and flowers, I’ll bet this speaks to you, too…..

How Sweet It Is


Being away for a few days helped me refocus and rest. But, I have to say, I am so happy to be back in the shop. I’m working on a series of cards– one word each. So far I have Boom, Sweet, and Savage.

I even did an FR card for a friend (For Real?) Ha ha….

Now if I could just get the baby birds out of my chimney. They are worrying me AND they are soooo loud. How does this happen when you have a chimney closed off?

Working on a Collection

IMG_5168I’ve struggled with how to define my work as Downtown Writing and Press.

Not that I have to. But I want to.

After a fabulous conversation with Emily Blistein, I’ve realized I don’t have to give up loving traditional letterpress printing OR enjoying designing on polymer plates. Ta da– my two collections:

The Classic Collection

The Fresh Collection

I’m still working out the details, but come along on the journey!

Spending our days…

DSCN4164Annie Dillard once wrote “how we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives.”

As I move into my mid-60’s (yikes) I realize that this idea of living a good life (whatever that is) means everything. I know I am privileged to have choice in how I live my life–not all do. Discovering a passion, letterpress, and a way to play with words has allowed me to truly slip into flow.

“According to Csikszentmihályi, flow is completely focused motivation. It is a single-minded immersion and represents perhaps the ultimate experience in harnessing the emotions in the service of performing and learning.”

This often happened when I was teaching, working with young adults and helping them find some meaning in their lives (always more important than whatever was in the curriculum). But I’m certainly finding it now in my printing work.

My other joy is having time to play with my grandchildren, watch them grow, and see my own children in their eyes and smiles. I spent yesterday with two children and Sunday will see the other two. Their visits fill me up with indescribable happiness.

Now that I’m settled in my new shop (or settled in two, actually since my new press is at home), I am trying to develop a routine. Summer is not exactly the time to do that, but it’s coming slowly.

I am trying to remember how each moment matters.