Pushing On

I always did something I was a little not ready to do. I think that’s how you grow. When there’s that moment of ‘Wow, I’m not really sure I can do this,’ and you push through those moments, that’s when you have a breakthrough.

Marissa Mayer

I am not sure I always did this. But at some point in my life, I wanted to figure things out. Printer broken? Take it apart. Need a room networked? Run the cables.
So I am trying to do this with my printing as well. But, wow, does it take time. There are so many variables that can go wrong- ink, lock up, type, pressure, humidity in the air. Each time I get ready to print, I check the packing, the placement of the base or the type, and even the different paper styles I use.

People wonder why I even bother to do this. “You can print whatever you want digitally now,” they say. “This looks like too much work.”

Yes, but it’s fun work. It’s the figuring it out that I love. And when I get a print that is nearly perfect (because nothing in letterpress is perfect), I smile with satisfaction.

Spring to Summer

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Spring has been a long time coming. But suddenly I am making summer plans. It’s funny owning a business. I now understand how spring clothes appear in winter, and advertisements for Christmas cards appear in October. To prepare, we have to think months ahead- like printing graduation cards in March.

But it really throws off my own internal clock. I keep thinking we are at the end of a school year, the beginning of summer. And we’re not yet.

One bit of news we received yesterday has changed our plans, though. My husband is going to get ankle replacement surgery in mid-June. We knew it was coming but thought we might do it September. No way, the doc said. Now, before any more collateral damage is done.

Ok, then.  Onward, right?

Working Late

customYou know it’s not work when you head to the studio at night (especially for someone who really hates to stay up.)

I had a custom order and wanted to see how the plate looked printed. Here it is and my inky hand, too.  Of course, it was nothing but fun.

Thanks for the Etsy orders, everyone.  Next, I’m going to work on two-color cards. Watch out!